"The world is a geographical lottery..." ~ author discusses racism and her latest novel

Divided is a story encompassing Islamophobia, racism, the rise of the far right, radicalisation and terrorism. Themes of belonging, community, isolation, grief, hope and pain are intertwined throughout.

I wanted to challenge the narrative around Muslims and Islam while drawing attention to the very real and immediate threat of domestic terrorism, particularly the rise of white supremacy and how these transnational attitudes are intensifying.

Attitudes towards immigration in the country are complex and divided, and cultural divisions and the threat of extremism are timely given what we are seeing in the news. I think it is essential as a society we understand why people flee their countries. We need only look at the stark imagery coming out of Afghanistan to witness the pure desperation of the people there.

“…while drawing attention to the very real and immediate threat of domestic terrorism, particularly the rise of white supremacy…”

There is anti-immigration propaganda everywhere: the media, certain world leaders and social media all propel these divisive attitudes that have become more common place. People fear their culture will be eroded and given the right environment, alongside dangerous persuasive rhetorics from those in power, it can lead to the marginalisation of vulnerable groups and the persecution of those of certain religions. 

Inaction and indifference across the global community will allow these divisions to flourish. Divided focuses particularly on the daily micro aggressions and the persecution of Muslims in the western world, whilst highlighting the dark underbelly of the far right in this county and America, and how social media provides a dangerous platform for these extreme groups. 

Throughout the novel, the characters stories are juxtaposed with letters from World War I and there are frequent references to the similarities between the rise of Hitler’s Germany and the uprising of the far right today. It is hopefully a timely reminder that we must learn from the past and not relive the atrocities that occurred, in the future.

“Divided focuses particularly on the daily micro aggressions and the persecution of Muslims in the western world…”

Through the story I hope to promote the need for empathy, understanding and acceptance as opposed to thinly veiled racism, ignorance and intolerance. The world is a geographical lottery from which many of us have won a fortune – we must remember those who have not.

— Lizzie Greenaway

Divided is available to buy now - click here to find out more.

Tara Lyons